Wednesday 1 May 2013

#9m1 #9n5 Rules Log

LO1 - To understand what a rule is in the context of computer gaming
LO2 - To understand what a an action and an event are in the context of computer gaming
LO3 - To be able to  develop a rules log for the running of your own game

All computer games follow a set of rules that have been developed by the programmers. They explain what the game should do (an action) when different things happen (event)
Rules are written in the format:

IF Event THEN Action

e.g IF Player presses up arrow THEN character jumps
e.g IF player clicks start THEN go to level 1
e.g IF player hits a monster THEN lose a life and restart the level


Click here and download the game to your area
Play the game and on a new post on your blog write down as many rules as you can think of for this game


Click here to download the rules log template. Save it in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence
Fill in the rules log with the rules that you will need for your game. You will need rules for at least all of the following areas:

  • Buttons on all your screens
  • Controls for your player
  • Picking up objects
  • Enemies
  • Changing levels
  • Winning / Losing the game


  1. Update your post from the start of the lesson explaining what you have learnt today
  2. Using Adobe Dreamweaver link up your completed rules log on your website