Monday, 1 October 2012

#10m6 #10p6 Tuesday 02/10/12

LO1 - Understand the deadlines for Unit3
LO2 - Be able to update your plan to show your timings and deadlines for all tasks


  1. Write all of the due dates for each section into your planner 
  2. Put them in the ICT section for the week they are due in

Task1 - Start and end Date1

  1. Using the deadlines sheet and the calendar in the front of your planner to help you start adding dates for each sub task
  2. Using the deadlines sheet start adding times for each sub task on your plan. 


  • On your plan make a note showing how much contingency time you have left yourself for things that might go wrong.
  • To see how much contingency time you have work out how many days you have from the end date of your last task to the final deadline.