Tuesday, 16 October 2012

#9m1 Wednesday 17/10/12

LO1 - Understand how to add links to your CSS template
LO2 - Continue to develop your Dreamweaver


  • Log on to your blog and write a post about your website project
    1. What have you achieved so far?
    2. What new skills have you learnt?
    3. What areas are you still unsure about?
    4. What do you still need to do on your website?

Today's Task

In today's lesson you will continue to work on your website in Adobe Dreamweaver

You will need the following on your website:

  • A homepage
  • At least 3 other pages in your website
  • Relevant information on all pages
  • All pages and information presented suitably for adult audience
  • Relevant images 
  • Links to each of your pages

How many of these things do you have?
What do you need to focus on in today's lesson?