Wednesday, 4 September 2013

#11p1 Review of Year 10

LO1 - To appreciate your progress in ICT by reviewing and evalutating your results from last year
LO2 - To develop your coursework by using feedback


First, open up your school email go onto Google Drive and read your Year 10 marks/comments. It is vital that you attend clinics over the next two weeks in order to achieve your Target Grade. 

You do not have any class time after this week to complete the unit as you now only have 8 months to complete your Year 11 unit. I will then remark and submit final marks.

Task: Using your planner, write in clinic times over the next two weeks.

Task: Email me (m.smith@wildern.hants.sch.ukwith the days you will attending clinics over the next two weeks


For the rest of tdoay's lesson you should be working on making the improvements identified on your year 10 mark sheet


Add a comment to your Google mark sheet outlining what improvements you have made in today's lesson