- LO - To learn how to create simple characters using Adobe Illustrator
- OUTCOME - You will have used Adobe Illustrator to create a sprite. You will have used GameMaker to add your sprite into your game
- 10 Minutes Design Time
What it will look like in Illustrator |
- Set up a 32 x 32 pixels canvas in Adobe Illustrator
- Save it in your GAME folder with a suitable name
- Use the tools in Adobe Illustrator to create your character(s) sprites
- Export your finished sprite as a PNG
- Open your game in Game Maker
- Load your sprite over the top of the existing sprites
- Run your game and test it out
- Open the 11p1 Game Build Progress Tracker
- Fill in what you have done so far
- What colour are you on from today's lesson - red, orange, green?
- If you are not on the green you need to be thinking about coming to clinics
- Attend a clinic if need be to make sure that your coursework is up to date