Wednesday, 5 February 2014

#11m2 #11n1 #11p1 To The Rescue - Favicon and Loading Screen

  • LO1 - To understand the purpose of favicons and loading screens so that you can develop your own for use in your game
  • OUTCOME - You will have created your own favicon and loading screen and added them into your game

  • What is a favicon? What is it used for?

  • What is a loading screen? What is used for?

  • Extension: How would using these in your game improve it?

  • Task 1 - Create a Favicon

    Task 2 - Add the favicon into your game

    1. Click on Global Game Settings

    2. Click on the loading tab and change the game icon

    Task 3 - Create a loading screen

    • Using either Adobe Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop create a loading screen for your game. It can be any size that you want

    Task 4 - Add your loading screen into your 

    1. Click on global game settings

      2. Choose show your own image and then click change image

    • Plenary

      • Open your test plan and your game - ask a partner to play your game and record the feedback into your test plan
      • Blog about what you have learnt and achieved in today's lesson