#8x6 Unit3 Web Development - Lesson 14
- LO - To understand what a website template is and appreciate their advantages
- OUTCOME - You will have set up a template for your website and used it to create the pages for your website
- Find out what a website template is
- What are the advantages of using on to make a website?
- Task 1
- Go to area on the Read drive and look at the different examples of website templates
- Decide which one you will use to make your new website
- Task 2
- Copy the folder of the template
- Paste it in your Sites -->Charity Website --> 4Implementation
- Task 3
- Manage your site
- Create the pages that you will need for your website
- THINK.. what you have learnt in today's lesson
- PAIR..tell your partner what you have learnt
- SHARE..be prepared to share with the class
- Hand in your homestudy books for marking