Monday, 25 January 2016

#7xd3 - Unit1 - Scratch - Lesson 4

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 -Demonstrate iteration programming using Scratch

Red - You will understand what iteration is
Amber - You will be able to use iteration in your scratch game
Green - You will be able to independently add features to your game



Open your game from last lesson:

Task 1:
Add a forever loop to your 'good item' sprite so it moves (up and down or left and right for example)

Task 2:
Add a text bubble to your game so that your enemy sprite says something to your main character at the start of the game

Task 3:
Work on your game to add other elements that you would like. You can use internet research to help


a) Open your Scratch Evidence Document
b) Complete the Lesson 4 section
c) Save your work


Scratch Task 7
Due Tuesday 27th January