Thursday 14 September 2017

#11nIs1 Web Exam Lesson 2

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - Learn how to create and edit an HTML template
LO2 - Learn how to create pages from a template and link them together

Red - Manage your site and open a template ready for editing
Amber - Be able to edit your template ready for use
Green - Be able to create pages from your template and link them together

  1. Open Adobe Dreamweaver
  2. Manage Your Site on the Practice Microsite folder
  3. Open your template from last lesson
  4. Change the container width to 100%
  5. Insert an editable region
  6. Change the colour scheme
  7. Save as a template
  8. Create 4 new pages from your template
  9. Save them as page 1, page 2, page 3 and page 4
  10. Link your pages together
  11. Open one of your pages in Google Chrome and test your pages and links work
  12. Create a banner for your website in Adobe Dreamweaver
  13. Insert the banner into your template