- LO - To understand the criteria and mark scheme for the review
- LO - To appreciate what makes an effective game magazine cover
- OUCTOMES - You will understand what you have to do for the review section of the project. You will have begun to develop the front cover of your magazine
- Read what you will be expected to create for the review for your game
- Now take a look at how the marks are awarded out of 5
- What are the key words you need to meet for the full 5 marks
1. Look at these examples of gaming magazines
2. What features do they all have in common? Write a blog post about it
3. Using Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Fireworks create an A4 (21cm x 29.5cm) front cover for a magazine reviewing YOUR game
- Post an image of your magazine front cover so far on to your blog
- What do you need to do next lesson to complete it?
- If you have not completed all your work so far come to a clinic
- Game Overview
- Moodboard Annotations
- Storyboards
- Final Game
- Assets Table
- Development Log
- Promo Advert