- LO - To appreciate the importance of testing a game during it's development
- OUTCOME - You will have downloaded the test log and begun to complete it by testing your game
Go to
Please fill in the What's Your Tech Survey
- Task 1
- Task 2
- Create your screens (menu / instructions / story / win /lose) for your game
- Load all your screens into your game
- Create click-able buttons for each of your screens
- Create a character sprite for your game using Adobe Illustrator
- Load your sprite into the game over the top of the princess sprite
- Make sure that your test log and assets table are up to date
- Start changing all the other parts of level1 to get it looking like you want to
- EXTENSION: Start creating new levels for your game
- Open the 11n1 Game Build Progress Tracker
- Fill in what you have done so far
- What colour are you on from today's lesson - red, orange, green?
- If you are on the RED you need to be coming to clinic
- Clinics run every day of the week
- Attend a clinic if needed