Tuesday, 28 January 2014

#8w6 Unit3 Web Development - Lesson 12

  • LO - To learn what HTML is and have begun to learn how to write code using it
  • OUTCOME - You will have developed HTML coding skills using Code Avengers

  • HTML is one of the most important inventions of all time. The world today would be a very different place without it

  • Use the Internet to find out:
1. What does HTML stand for?
2. Who invented HTML?
3. What year was it invented?
4.  What is HTML used for?

  • GOLD EREF for the first person to find all the answers, GREEN EREF for everyone who finds them out 

1. Go to www.codeavengers.com
2. Sign up using your school email address 
3. Click on the Start Learning to Code Websites Button
4. Work your way through the lessons to begin to learn HTML

  • THINK - what have your learnt in today's lesson
  • PAIR - work with a buddy to discuss what each other has learnt
  • SHARE - be ready to share what you have learnt with the class