Thursday 25 September 2014

#9n6 Computer Science - Lesson 5 - Storage Devices 2

Lesson Objectives: To develop your knowledge and understanding of storage devices


Log on and fill in the worksheet task


In today's lesson you need to finish your research into different storage devices

Open your worksheet from last lesson (if you weren't here check your email) in Google Drive

For each device in the table you must include:
  • It's name
  • A picture of it 
  • A description of it
  • Whether it is internal (inside the computer) or external (outside the computer) 
  • How much data it can store
 Try finding out about other storage devices and add them to your table. For example:
  • Floppy disk
  • Zip disk
  • Blu Ray 

Extension: Use your knowledge of storage devices to create a multiple choice quiz. Create a new Google Presentation on your Google Drive to do this task.


Start a new post on your computer science blog
Publish your worksheet to the web and embed it on your blog post
Watch the video below if you need to know how to do this