Lesson Objectives
LO1 - To complete your promo video for your future worlds game
Red - Hav recorded video clips of your game in actionAmber - Have used moveie maker to create a tv advert for your game
Green - have updated your eportfolio and assets table
www.screencastomatic.com to record video clips of each level in action
Use Windows MovieMaker
to create your TV Advert. You need to include
- A PEGI rating at the
- Video clips of your
game in action
- Suitable music /
voice overs
- Comments and quotes
about your game
- A release date
- What platform(s) it
will be released on
- Anything else you
want to include that will persuade people to buy your game
Use feedback from a
test partner to make sure that your advert attracts interest and encourages
people to play the game
Save your completed
advert as a movie
Link up your completed
advert to your eportfolio
Make sure that all
video / images / sounds used in your advert have been recorded in your assets
Link up your completed
assets table to your eportfolio