Lesson Objectives
LO1 - To appreciate the key features of an effective promotional advert
LO2 - To develop resources for your promo
LO2 - To develop resources for your promo
Red - You will have created resources for your promoAmber - You will have created a promo that has some success in persuading people to play
Green - You will have created a promo that is effective in persuading people to play
- Use screencast-o-matic to record video clips of your game in action for your advert
- Record at least 1 clip for each level of your game
- Try to make the clips exciting and show as many different aspects of your game as you can

- Top Tip 1 - Use internet explorer
- Top Tip 2 - Use version 1
- Top Tip 2 - When you have finished a clip click publish to video file
- Top Tip 2 - choose windows media AVI as the video type
- Top Tip 3 - turn show mouse cursor off