Monday, 3 October 2016

#11nCp6 #11pCp1 #11mCp3 Evaluation

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To understand the requirements of the 

Red - You will ha


1 mark
There is an evaluation stating how the final solution meets a few of the original needs of the user. There is a significant number of errors in the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar. The form and style of writing is only partially appropriate. Information is not always organised and the use of specialist vocabulary is minimal.

2 marks
There is an evaluation describing how the final solution meets most of the original needs of the user. Most of the evidence is accurately spelt, punctuated and grammatically correct to make most of the meaning clear. The form and style of writing is mostly appropriate. Information is organised and specialist vocabulary has been mostly used appropriately.

3 marks
There is an evaluation discussing how the final solution meets all or nearly all of the original needs of the user. The evidence is accurately spelt, punctuated and grammatically correct to make the meaning clear. The form and style of writing is appropriate. Information is clearly organised and specialist vocabulary has been used appropriately.


  • Write up your evaluation
  • For each user need:
    • Did you meet that user need?
    • Discuss how you met it or if you didn't why not
    • What improvements have you already made
    • How could you improve the program in the future

  • You could present your evaluation in a table
  • You could present your evaluation in paragraphs


  • Look at the class progress tracker add a comment telling me what i can update on it