Thursday, 18 April 2013

#10n1 #10m6 #10p6 Packaging Design Checklist

What do i need for this section:

  1. Paper design of your montage on p.18 of your booklet
  2. Paste your 2D Design Packaging net into Adobe Photoshop (make sure your lines are thick enough)
  3. Create your montage and add it onto your net
  4. Take step by step screenshots of how you created your montage
  5. Create the design log for your Packaging Design
    • Annotated paper design with feedback
    • Annotated screenshots of how you made it 
    • Feedback comments about your Packaging design
    • Screenshots and explanations of all tools used
    • Explantion of why Bitmap software and tools were used for this task
    • Reasons for the design decisions you have made
  6. Email me a JPEG of your completed packaging design for printing
  7. Link up all work from steps 1 to 6 on the PRODUCTS page of your website along with detailed explanations of what you have done and feedback comments

EXTENSION: Use your feedback to create an improved version of your packaging design