- LO - To understand what progress you have made so far and identify what you need to do in today's lesson
- LO2 - To develop a full mark promotional advert for your game
- Outcome - you will continue to develop a promo advert for your game using appropriate software and resources
- Work with a partner to assess each others Game Promos. Play close attention to the key words in bold
- Use the mark criteria below to mark your partners work out of 5
- For 1 mark, a student may have needed guidance, but must have created a simple promo that makes use of some assets from the game.
- For 3 marks, a student must have created a simple promo that makes use of appropriate assets from the game to attract interest and encourage people to play.
- For 5 marks, a student must have created a promo that makes use of well-chosen assets from the game to attract interest and persuade people to play.
- Write a post on their blog telling them what mark you gave them and why - and how they could improve the advert
- Storyboarded an idea for your advert and posted on blog
- Used www.screencastomatic.com to record clips of your game in action
- Storyboarded an idea for your advert and posted on blog
- Used www.screencastomatic.com to record clips of your game in action
- Edited your video clips in Windows MovieMaker
- Collected / Create any other resources you will need for your advert e.g
- Recorded all assets used in assets table
- Storyboarded an idea for your advert and posted on blog
- Used www.screencastomatic.com to record clips of your game in action
- Edited your video clips in Windows MovieMaker
- Collected / Create any other resources you will need for your advert e.g
- Recorded all assets used in assets table
- Complete your TV advert with at least:
- Video clips of game in action
- Suitable music / voice overs
- Comments / Quotes about your game
- A release date
- What console(s) your game will be released on
- If you need some help with movie make then use the YouTube Playlist below
- You need to use the next button to scroll through the videos on this playlist.
- Get a partner to view your completed advert
- Record their feedback
- Use the feedback to make any necessary improvements to your advert
- Save your completed advert as a movie file and link it to your website
- Update the 10m1 Game Promo Progress tracker
- You should have completed at 100% of the tasks by now
- Attend a clinic if you have not completed all of your game design work, your final game, your development log and your assets table
- Clinics are running every day this week except Thursday