#11m2 To The Rescue - Design It - Rules Log
- LO1 - To understand what a rule is in the context of computer gaming
- LO2 - To understand what a an action and an event are in the context of computer gaming
- LO3 - To be able to develop a rules log for the running of your own game

- All computer games follow a set of rules that have been developed by the programmers. They explain what the game should do (an action) when different things happen (event)
Rules are written in the format:
IF Event THEN Action
e.g IF Player presses up arrow THEN character jumps
e.g IF player clicks start THEN go to level 1
e.g IF player hits a monster THEN lose a life and restart the level
Click here and download the game to your area
Play the game and on a new post on your blog write down as many rules as you can think of for this game
- Click here to download the rules log template. Save it in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence
Fill in the rules log with the rules that you will need for your game. You will need rules for at least all of the following areas:
- Buttons on all your screens
- Controls for your player
- Picking up objects
- Enemies
- Changing levels
- Winning / Losing the game
- Update your post from the start of the lesson explaining what you have learnt today
- Using Adobe Dreamweaver link up your completed rules log on your website
- Attend a clinic if your are behind with any of the design work
- PDF of Game Overview - with 2 lots of teacher feedback
- PDF Moodboard annotations - with feedback comments
- PDF of Storyboard templates
- Main Menu
- Instructions
- Back Story
- At least 5 levels
- Win Screen
- Lose Screen
- PDF of Rules Log