#9m7 Heroes and Villains - 3D Characters - Lesson 9
- LO1 - To assemble a 3D character for both your hero and villain
- LO2 - To develop a set of photos to showcase your 3d characters
- OUTCOME - You will have printed and assembled both of your 3d characters.
- OUTCOME - You will take a photos of your characters
- OUTCOME - You will edit the photos to remove the backgrounds from them

- Look at the red / orange / green tasks for today's lesson
- Stand by the table of the colour that you are working on
- How will you make progress to the next colour?
- You have completed your hero and villain nets in Adobe Illustrator
- include the tabs
- added dashed lines to show where to fold
- include clear instructions on how each character should be assembled.
- You have printed both nets in colour
- You have cut out and assembled both of you hero and villains characters
- You have completed your hero and villain nets in Adobe Illustrator
- include the tabs
- added dashed lines to show where to fold
- include clear instructions on how each character should be assembled.
- You have printed both nets in colour
- You have cut out and assembled both of you hero and villains characters
- Use the stage and digital camera to take photos of your 3D characters from different angles
- Save your photos in Sites --> DA203SPB --> Evidence -->3d Character Photos
- Use the quick selection tool to remove the backgrounds from the photos that you have taken
- Use this YouTube tutorial to help you
- Save your completed hero and villain nets as PNGs
- Use Adobe DreamWeaver to link them up to the PRODUCTS page of your website
- Use Adobe DreamWeaver to link them up your character photos to the EVIDENCE page of your website
- Look at the red / orange / green tasks for today's lesson
- Stand by the table of the colour that you are working on
- Have you made any progress to the next colour? How will you progress next lesson?
- Attend a clinic if you have not completed both of your hero and villain nets
- Clinics are on everyday except Thursday this week