- LO - To appreciate some of the advantages of using spreadsheets
- LO - To understand how to use some basic formulae
- Add up these numbers:
- 2
- 7
- 10
- 32
- 68
- 94
- Discuss:
- How easy was that?
- How can you achieve the same result with a spreadsheet?
- Which is more efficient?
Experiment with the Sum, Average, Min and Max functions
Create a new Word Document, take a screenshot and annotate your spreadsheet so far.
HOW did you create it?
WHAT does it show?
Extension Task: Can you create a graph?
- Think, Pair... Share!
- Think: What have you learnt today?
- Pair: Turn to the person next to you and discuss
- Share: Share with the rest of the class
- Complete Task 2 of the Blue Homestudy Booklet