Tuesday, 10 December 2013

#9m7 #9n4 Cover Lesson Wednesday 11/12/13

In today's lesson you should be:

  • Finishing any incomplete work
  • Making sure all work is linked to your website
  • Make any improvements necessary to your work

Task 1 - Find Your Checklist
  • Get your checklist our from last lesson and look at what you still need to do

Task 2 - Working on your 3d Character coursework
  • For both your hero and villain characters you need to:
    1. Draw you character on paper from the front, back and side
    2. Colour in a blank net for your character
    3. Create a net for your character on Adobe Illustrator (make sure you do File --> Export and save it as a PNG when you have finished)
    4. Cut out and build your character
    5. Photograph your character from different angles
    6. Open your photographs in Adobe Photoshop and edit them by:
      • Unlocking the layer
      • Cropping it
      • Using quick selection to delete the background
      • Resizing it (Image Menu --> image size)
    7. Open your design log in Microsoft Publisher and fill it in

Task 3 - Linking your work to your website

  1. Open Adobe Dreamweaver
  2. Open your EVIDENCE webpage
    • Link up your photos of your two characters
    • Link up your design log
    • Link up your proposal
    • Write about what you have done and add feedback comments
  3. Open your PRODUCTS webpage
    • Link up your two character nets
    • Write about what you have done and add feedback comments

  • Go on to your blog and write a post telling me what you did in today's lesson