Sunday 12 January 2014

#11p1 To The Rescue - Game Interface - Lesson 2

  • LO - To develop confidence and skills with the Adobe graphics suite
  • LO - To develop your knowledge of the assessment criteria for Strand B
  • OUTCOME - You will have developed assets for your game that meet the criteria of the highest mark of Strand B

  • Read through the assessment criteria for Strand B and highlight anything of importance -->
    "Students will need to gather and prepare the assets needed for the game. Although editing is important, you should be more concerned with the appropriateness of the assets and their relevance to the audience and purpose.
    Students are expected demonstrate an understanding ofcopyright and other constraints on the use of digital material produced by others.
    Students should have included an assets table giving relevant information about the assets used, including where and why they have used them and how they have edited them to make them suitable. Sources must be acknowledged in sufficient detail to enable someone else to locate them."

  • What important points can you gather from the assessment criteria?
  • Your game will need to be original - how are you going to ensure this?
  • Look at the assets that I created for my platform game:

  • How have I ensured that there is a wide range of assets which are suitable for my target audience of 3-7 year olds? 
  • Think about software, bitmaps vs vectors..

  • Task 1 
    • Using your graphic skills from last year create the screens that you designed on your storyboards on the computer
      • Main Menu
      • Instructions
      • Back Story
      • Win Screen
      • Lose Screen
    • MAKE SURE that you make any improvements needed from your storyboard feedback

  • Task 2

    • Create the backgrounds that you will need for your 5 levels
    • MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your GAME folder

  • Task 3
    • Use Adobe Illustrator to create the characters sprite for your game
    • You will need to make sure that you set the size to 32 x 32 pixels when you start
    • What it will look like In Illustrator
      What it will look like in GameMaker
  • Mini Plenary
    • Year 11 WAD 2
    • What grade are you on currently?
    • Are you meeting your target grade?
    • If not what will you do to get there?

  • Open the 11p1 Game Build Progress Tracker
  • Fill in what you have done so far
    • What colour are you on from today's lesson - red, orange, green?
    • If you are on the RED you need to be coming to clinic
    • Clinics run every day of the week

  • Do you need to attend a clinic to make sure that you are up to date with all coursework