Wednesday 23 April 2014

#10m1 Developing Web Products - Reviewing The Mock

LO -To identify your own areas of strength and for development in order to best prepare for your exam in 3 weeks time! 

Outcomes - You finish the lesson having an improved awareness of what you need to work on and have made improvements to your exam website.

Starter - Complete the starter sheet (to be kept in your folders for revision). What are your areas that you can identify at this stage? 

Electronic copy here 

Overall outcome from marking your exams was positive - some of you made 'silly' mistakes which effected your marks quite heavily, namely - reading the requirements carefully (thumbnails are small images!), moving your images outside of the folder so they couldn't be viewed and issues with links and templates - luckily these are easy to fix.

Main 1 - 10 minutes 

Insert the following into a browser, this is how I viewed your work to mark it so you'll get a good idea of what worked and what worked and what didn't

Identify what worked and what failed ? have the exam paper in front of you. 

Main 2 - 10 minutes 

compare with someone else's - where are the differences? What did they do that could help you and vice verca. Remember it's not what you like the look of but what meets the requirements for the marks.

Main 3 - rest of lesson

Now log on to your exam account and make the improvements you've identified. Those of you who had template issues may want to start again. The help video is on a previous revision blog post.

What areas have you identified and what improvements have you made? 
What do you need to work on next lesson? 
Write it on a blog post 

Attend a clinic if you need help with your work