Tuesday 13 May 2014

#8w6 #8x6 #8y3 Create Me A Story - Storyboards

LO1 - Develop your story idea further with the use of visual tools

  • What is storyboarding?
  • Why do we use this technique when designing products?

You now need to develop storyboards for the pages of your book:

  • Front Cover
  • Contents Page
  • Your story pages
  • Choice Page
  • Ending 1 Page
  • Ending 2 Page
  • Annotate your final storyboards to explain:
    • Outline of the Story 
    • Characters
    • Images to be used
    • Fonts/Colours to be used.

  • On the back of your storyboard paper write two stars and a wish
  • Swap your sheet with a partner on your table
  • Fill in 2 stars and a wish for your partner

  • Finish your