Friday 9 May 2014

#8y3 Create Me A Story

  • L01: Consider a variety of suitable topics for your story
  • L02: Develop your story further, taking into consideration critical feedback

  • You must create an interactive storybook for primary school children. It could be your own original story or a new take on an existing story
  • Create a mind map of your ideas for your story. You should include ideas for:
    • What happens
    • Characters
    • Title
    • Settings
    • The choice the user will make
    • Anything else you think might be useful
  • Use to make a mind map of your ideas

  • Your book must have:
    • A front cover
    • A contents page
    • 3 animated story pages
    • A choice page where the reader will have to make a decision
    • Two different endings depending on what choice the user made

1. Click here and download the proposal form
2. Fill in the proposal form with as much detail as you can
3. Get teacher feedback about your ideas an use it to improve your proposal 
4. Use the skills you have learnt in the last two lessons to create a character for your story in Adobe Fireworks 

  • Swap seats with a partner - fill in the feedback section of each others proposal form