Sunday 29 June 2014

#10m1 Cover Lesson Monday 30/06/`4

1. Finish drawing your hero and villain designs onto the paper nets

2. Take a photo of each of your paper designs.

3. Save the photos in Sites → DA203SPB → Evidence → 3D Characters

4. Cut out your design and build your character - has your design worked? - do you need to make changes to your design?

5. Get feedback comments about your designs

6. Create a new document in Microsoft Publisher

7. Title = 3D Characters Design Log

8. Insert photos of your designs for the hero and villain

9. Write an explanation of your design decision and include your feedback comments

10. Save your design log in Sites → DA2033SPB → Evidence → Design Logs

Extension Task: Open Adobe Illustrator, choose one of these tutorials and try creating a character using Adobe Illustrator