Tuesday 29 September 2015

#10m4 Changing Worlds - Adding Music to Your Game

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To understand how to use GameMaker to add appropriate music into your game

Red - You will have found suitable music for your game
Amber - You will have loaded your music into gamemaker
Green - You will have music playing in your game


Why do games use music?
What kind of music would suit your game?

  • You can find lots of tracks on my area on the read drive:

  • Here are a couple of websites that might be of help

  • Download and save the music you have chosen into your:
    • Sites --> DA204SPB--> Products --> Game 

  • Make sure that you update your Assets Table


Task 1  - Load the Sound into your Game 

Task 2 - Create an object called obj_StartMusic, put it into the room where you want the music to start

Task 3 - Create an object called obj_StopMusic, put it into the room where you want the music to stop playing

Task 4 - Test It
  • Play your game - does the music work as you expected?
  • Fix any bugs and update your development log section A


Update your progress on the 10m4 progress tracker by adding comments on to your sheet