Monday, 14 September 2015

#10pIsc6 Computer Science - Setting Up Your Blog

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To develop your understanding of blogs

Red - You will have created a computer science blog
Amber - You will have customised the appearance of your blog
Green - You will have followed key computer science blogs

Starter - 5 minutes

1. Go to

2. Have a look at a few of the ICT teacher blogs that are linked on the menu

3. These were all made using Blogger, but all have their own unique style and structure

Main - 45 minutes

Mission: In this lesson you will be creating your own ICT blog

Red Task:
a) Go to
b) Log in using your Wildern details (email is:
c) Set up a blog for your ICT lessons

Orange Task:

Customise your blog to a style that you like using these options:

Green Task:Create a new blog post explaining why you have made the design choices you have

Extension Task:
Use the guide linked here to find out and try a new skill

Plenary - 10 minutes

Showcase your blog
Add the following blogs to your Reading List (click on reading list link below)

To add these blogs to your reading list simply copy the URL and click follow:

The ICT Department

Wildern Computer Science

Your Comnputer Science teacher