Friday 2 October 2015

#10n1 - Changing Worlds - Favicon and Load Screen

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To understand the purpose of favicons and loading screens so that you can develop your own for use in your game

Red - You will have created a favicon & load screen
Amber - You will have added them to your game
Green - You will have tested your game and updated your development log

Task 1 - Create a Favicon

Task 2 - Add the favicon into your game

1. Click on Global Game Settings

2. Click on the loading tab and change the game icon

Task 3 - Create a loading screen

  • Using either Adobe Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop create a loading screen for your game. It can be any size that you want

Task 4 - Add your loading screen into your 

1. Click on global game settings

2. Choose show your own image and then click change image