Tuesday 6 October 2015

#11p1 Play And Learn - Further Develop Your Game Interface

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To  develop a fully working game interface
LO2 - To understand the requirements for the development log

Red - You will have downloaded and setup your development logs
Amber - You will have completed your game inteface
Green - You will have begun testing your game


Download these 4 documents and save them into Sites --> DA204SPB --> 
Resource 1 - Click here to download development log A Formative Testing
Resource 2 - Click here to download development log B User Feedback
Resource 3 - Click here to download development log C Teacher Comments
Resource 4 - Click here to download development log D Design Changes


  • Task 2 - Loading in Your Screens
    • Use the Create a Background button to load your screens into GameMaker

    • For each room set the correct background

  • Task 3 - Creating Buttons
    • Using what you have learnt in today's lesson and using the video below if you need a reminder load all of your screens into the game and create a set of working buttons


  • Test your game to see if your buttons work correctly - record your results in the development log section A and fix any problems
  • Get a partner to play what you have so far and give you some feedback in section B of your development log