Sunday, 22 September 2013

#10m1 Developing Your Game


  • Update the game build progress tracker - click here for it
  • Write a blog post telling me what you will be doing in today's lesson


Continue to develop your game. You must complete all tasks on the list below:-

1 Create the background screens in Adobe Fireworks or Illustrator 
- Menu 
- Instructions 
- Winner 
- Loser
- Back story 
2 Create a working game using GameMaker 
- Working menu screen 
- Working instructions screen 
- Working winner screen 
- Working loser screen 
- Working back story screen 
3 Put your own sprites into the game
- Added your own main character sprite into the game 
- Changed all other sprites in the game to your own 
4 Added your own favicon 
5 Added your own loading screen 
6 Created working levels for your game 
- Working level one screen 
- Working level two screen 
- Working level three screen 
7 Added your own sound effects to the game 
8 Added your own music to the game 
9 Create an exe file of the game
10  Link exe file on website 
11 Make sure all images & sounds are recorded in your assets table 
12 Development log fully filled in


  • Update your blog telling me what you have learnt and achieved in today's lesson and what you still need to do