#11m2 #11p1 Moodboard Lesson 2
- I have added feedback to your game overview - now you need to respond to it:-
- Open your game overview (File Store - Read --> ICT --> Mr Smith --> Classes)
- Save it in your area D205SPB --> Development --> Game Overview
- Use the feedback to make improvements to your game overview - add any changes in a new colour
- Using the checklist to help you collect the images that you will need for your moodboard. Make sure that you have at least 3 images for each item on the list
- The target audience
- The game genre (type of game)
- The style of the game (how it will look)
- How you imagine the scenes
- How you imagine the characters might look
- Other items inspired by the back story
- What you think the player might have to do during the game
- Fonts and styles
- Colour schemes
- Ideas for any music, sound effects or speech
- How your game will be tested
- Anything else you think is important
- Blog about what you have learnt / achieved in today's lesson
- Email me with:
- The publisher file with your collected images (Make sure name in header / footer)
- When you will be coming to clinics in the next two weeks - write the dates into your planner