Sunday, 8 December 2013

#11m2 To The Rescue - GameMaker Lesson 2 - Developing Your GameMaker Skills

  • LO - To develop your game maker skills 
  • OUTCOME - You will have completed a tutorial to build a new kind of game

  • Please click on this link and complete this survey for Science

1. Complete Tutorial 1 - Click on the Fruit from last lesson

2. If you are making a Platform game copy Tutorials 2 & 3 from my area
Desktop / File Store / Read / ICT / Mr Smith / GameMaker Tutorials

 3. Work your way through the tutorials to build a new game

EXTENSION: Can you use your skills to change and improve the game that you have made? 

  • Write a new blog post telling me what you have learnt in today's lesson
  • How will you apply these skills to help you create your own game?

  • Attend a clinic if you have not completed and linked all of your design work