Friday 10 January 2014

#11n1 - To The Rescue - Game Interface - Lesson 2 of 2

  • LO - To develop confidence and skills with the Adobe graphics suite
  • LO - To develop a range of assets that can be used in your game
  • OUTCOME - You will have created a set of interface screens to use in your game

  • Look at the 11n1 Game Build Progress Tracker
  • Look at the Red / Orange / Green tasks for today's lesson
  • What do you need to work on in today's lesson?
  • How will you make progress today?

  • Task 1 
    • Using your graphic skills from last year create the screens that you designed on your storyboards on the computer
      • Main Menu
      • Instructions
      • Back Story
      • Win Screen
      • Lose Screen
    • MAKE SURE that you make any improvements needed from your storyboard feedback

  • Task 2

    • Create the backgrounds that you will need for your 5 levels
    • MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your GAME folder

  • Task 3
    • Use Adobe Illustrator to create the characters sprite for your game
    • You will need to make sure that you set the size to 32 x 32 pixels when you start
    • What it will look like In Illustrator
      What it will look like in GameMaker

  • What colour are you on from today's lesson - red, orange, green?
  • If you are not on the green you need to be thinking about coming to clinics