Friday 10 January 2014

#8y3 Unit3 Web Development Lesson 9

  • LO - To develop your website to meet the needs of your charity and target audience

  • OUTCOME - You will have used feedback to make improvements to your website

  • Unit 3 Key Words - 10 minutes
    • Find the key words at the front of your green homestudy booklet
    • Try and fill in as many of the keywords as you can

  • Task 1
    • Open up Adobe Dreamweaver
    • Open your charity webpages up

  • Task 2
    • Swap seats with a partner
    • Peer assess each others website and fill in the peer assessment at the top of their sheet
    • Get them to do the same for you

  • Task 3
    • Using the feedback you have received from your partner start making improvements to your website

  • Self assess your website - what do you think works well and what do you want to improve in upcoming lessons