Sunday 19 January 2014

#8w6 Unit3 Website Evaluation - Lesson 11

  • LO - To be able to critically reflect on your work in this unit
  • OUTCOME - You will have completed a review of your website

  • What do we mean by the word EVALUATE?
  • Why is it important to evaluate our work?
  • Task 1 
    • CLICK HERE and download the website evaluation form

  • Task 2
    • Read each question carefully 
    • Answer each question in as much detail as you can 
    • You can add screenshots of your work if this helps you answer question

  • Extension Task
    • Make the improvements to your website that you identified in your evaluation

  • Make sure that your name is in the header or footer of your evaluation
  • Print out your completed evaluation and put it into your folder 

  • Hand in homework task 4 for marking