#8x6 Unit3 Web Development Lesson 10
- LO - To appreciate the benefits of using video to enhance a website
- OUTCOMES - You will have embedded an appropriate video into your website and shown evidence of your work

- Find A Video (5 minutes)
- Once you have logged on go on to You Tube and find a suitable video for your Charity Website
- Think carefully about the audience and purpose of your website
- Task 1
- CLICK HERE and download the worksheet for today's lesson
- Task 2
- Copy the EMBED code of your video from YouTube
- Paste it into the HTML code of your webpage
- Task 3
- Fill in the worksheet to explain and show what you have done in today's lesson
- Extension Task
- Make changes to the HTML code for your video
- Show and explain what you have done on the worksheet
1. Evidence
- Make sure your name is on all pages of your worksheet (Insert a header)
- Print out your worksheet and put it to your folder
2. Class Q&A
- What are the benefits of using a video on a website?
- How can you decide if a video is appropriate for your website?
- What legal issues do you have to consider if using videos?
- Complete task 4 in your green home study booklets
- Due in Tuesday 21st January