Monday 13 January 2014

#9n4 Heroes and Villains - Phone Wallpaper - Design It!

  • LO - To understand the requirements of the Phone Wallpaper section of the SPB
  • LO - To appreciate what features will help you to make an effective phone wallpaper
  • OUTCOMES - You will have designed and begun to develop a phone wallpaper that will promote your game

  • Log On

  • Whilst you are waiting for the computer complete the Photoshop Keyword Scramble worksheet

  • How many of these tools do you feel that you are confident with?

  • Task 1 - Product Research (10 mins)
    • What do you think the purpose of the phone wallpaper is?
    • What size should a phone wallpaper be?
    • Find some examples of wallpapers that you think are effective?

  • Task 2 - Paper Designs (10 mins)
    • Draw some design ideas for your phone wallpaper on the worksheet
      • Your Logo
      • Photos of your two 3D characters
      • Suitable images and text
    • Get a test buddy to give you two stars and a wish for your designs
    • Which design have you chosen to develop and why?

  • Task 3 - Start to create it
    • Open Adobe Photoshop
    • Create a new canvas 320 pixels wide x 480 pixels high
    • Use your Photoshop skills to create your phone wallpaper
    • Make sure that include at least:
      • Your Logo
      • Photos of your two 3D characters
      • Suitable images and text

  • Showcase your work - show your work to a test buddy - can you explain to them and demonstrate the skills you have used so far
  • Where do you need to do next lesson