Monday 6 January 2014

#9p1 Heroes And Villains - Coursework Improvements

  • LO - To develop your coursework to meet your target grade

  • OUTCOME - You will have made sure that your eportfolio works correctly and that your 3d character work is linked to it

1. Open your email and find your year 9 ARS (under the 9 squares --> Google Drive --> 'shared with me')

2. It will be called SurnameForename_ DA203Graphics

3. Read through the green (completed) orange (could be improved) and red (not completed) comments from Miss Squires. 
What do you need to work on?

  • Task 1 -Eportfolio
    • Use Adobe Dreamweaver to make sure that your eportfolio is wroking correctly
      • Index
      • Evidence
      • Products
      • All pages linked together

  • Task 2 - Link Up Missing Work
    • Anything in red on your ARS is nit linked an so cannot get any marks
    • Make sure that this work is finished and then link on your eportfolio in Adobe Dreamweaver

  • Task 3 - Improvements
    • Anything in yellow on your ARS sheet needs to be improved to meet your target grade
    • Use the comments from Miss Squires to make your improvements

  • Reply to my comments on the ARS telling Miss Squires what you have improved in today's lesson
  • This will email her so that she can update your ARS sheet