OUTCOME - You will have added music into your game and updated your assets table and test log
- Find some suitable music for your game - here are a couple of websites that might be of help
- You could download some suitable music fromYouTube - this converter is good for this
- Download and save the music you have chosen into your Sites --> D205SPB12 --> Game folder
- Make sure that you update your Assets Table
Task 1 - Load the Sound into your Game
Task 2 - Create an object called obj_StartMusic, put it into the room where you want the music to start
Task 3 - Create an object called obj_StopMusic, put it into the room where you want the music to stop playing
Task 4 - Test IT
- Play your game - does the music work as you expected?
- Fix any bugs and update your test log
- Open the 11p1 Game Build Progress Tracker
- Fill in what you have done so far
- What colour are you on from today's lesson - red, orange, green?
- If you are not on the green you need to be thinking about coming to clinics
- Complete the instruction manual and email it to me by the end of the week Friday 21st March