Monday 28 April 2014

#10m1 Unit1 Developing Web Products - Reviewing the Mock

LO -To identify your own areas of strength and for development in order to best prepare for your exam in 3 weeks time! 

Outcomes - You finish the lesson having an improved awareness of what you need to work on and have made improvements to your exam website.

Please complete this survey

  1. Use Photoshop to RESIZE all images so that they are less than 350 kb in size
  2. Create EMAIL LINKS for your website - use this video if you need help
  3. Use a HOTSPOT to link the Smarts logo to - you must put http:// at the start of the link so that Dreamweaver knows to go online - use this video if you need help
  4. Change the WIDTH of the template so that the banner fits the full with of the page
  5. EMBED the sound on a suitable page
  6. Edit the MAP to show some locations and / or activities featured in the microsite - add it to home page
  7. Add two THUMBNAIL images on to the clubs introduction - link them to Kidz Club and Teenz Club
  8. Add the MENU image to a suitable page
  9. Make sure all images have an ALT TEXT to help people with visual impairments
  10. Edit the SHOP image so that it only shows one of the products for sale. Save it with a new name. Link it to the orginal SHOP inage
  11. Add information from INFO.TXT to each page
  12. Make sure each page has a suitable TITLE
  13. Make sure that you have chosen a COLOUR SCHEME that reflects the wood land setting of the leisure park AND would be suitable for people with visual impairment
  14. Make sure all pages have CONSISTENT layout, colour scheme, font
  15. Content of all pages must be NON-SCROLLING at 1024/x768 resolution - change the screen settings and test it

  • Email me ( with a list of skills that you would like us to revise in class

  • Attend a clinic if you have coursework improvements to make