Wednesday 30 April 2014

#11n1 To The Rescue - Promote It - Lesson 3

  • LO - To appreciate how to the game promo is marked so that you can achieve full marks for strand (e)
  • Outcome - you will have assessed a piece of actual coursework and used it to help you develop your own promo

  • Watch this example of a students game promo trailer

  • Using the mark criteria below how would you grade this promo

  • For 3 marks or more a student must have worked independently.

  • For 1 mark, a student may have needed guidance, but must have created a simple promo that makes use of some assets from the game.

  • For 3 marks, a student must have created a simple promo that makes use of appropriate assets from the game to attract interest and encourage people to play.

  • For 5 marks, a student must have created a promo that makes use of well-chosen assets from the game to attract interest and persuade people to play.

  • Used to record clips of your game in action
  • Collect / Create any other resources you will need for your advert e.g Recorded all assets used in assets table
  • Complete your TV advert with at least:
    • A PEGI rating
    • Video clips of game in action
    • Suitable music / voice overs
    • Comments / Quotes about your game
    • A release date
    • What console(s) your game will be released on
    • Anything else you think will  persuade the viewer to buy the game

    • Get a partner to view your completed advert
    • Record their feedback
    • Use the feedback to make any necessary improvements to your advert
    • Save your completed advert as a movie file and link it to your website

  • If you need some help with movie make then use the YouTube Playlist below
  • You need to use the next button to scroll through the videos on this playlist.

    • Update your checklist - how much progress have you made today?
    • Have you at least collected all the resources you need and started editing the advert?

    • Attend clinics if needed - they are running every day