Wednesday 30 April 2014

#11p1 To The Rescue - Promote It - Lesson 2

  • LO - To develop a promotional advert that makes use of well-chosen assets from the game toattract interest and persuade people to play your game
  • OUTCOME - You will have recorded video clips of your game and begun to create your advert using appropriate software

  • Look at where you are on your checklist AND your tasks for today...... What do you need to do this lesson in order to reach the green? ......what colour task are you currently on?

    • Used to record clips of your game in action
    • Collect / Create any other resources you will need for your advert e.g Recorded all assets used in assets table
    • Complete your TV advert with at least:
      • A PEGI rating
      • Video clips of game in action
      • Suitable music / voice overs
      • Comments / Quotes about your game
      • A release date
      • What console(s) your game will be released on
      • Anything else you think will 

    • Get a partner to view your completed advert
    • Record their feedback
    • Use the feedback to make any necessary improvements to your advert
    • Save your completed advert as a movie file and link it to your website

  • If you need some help with movie make then use the YouTube Playlist below
  • You need to use the next button to scroll through the videos on this playlist.

    • Update your checklist - how much progress have you made today?
    • have you at least collected all the resources you need and started the advert?

    • Attend a clinic if you have not completed and linked all design work, test log, assets table and game