Wednesday 23 September 2015

#10nIsc6 - Unit1 Ethical, environmental and legal considerations - Data Protection Act

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 Learn about the laws relating to the use of computers and the implications for computer systems design and use 

Red - You will understand what the Data Protection Act (DPA) is
Amber - You will understand what the eight principles of the DPA are
Green - You will understand what your rights are under the DPA



  • Create a Google Slides presentation about the Data Protection Act (DPA)
  • You must include at least the following information:
    • What is the Data Protection Act?
    • What is personal data?
    • Give some examples of personal data?
    • What is sensitive data? 
    • Give some examples of sensitive data?
    • What are the eight principles of the DPA?
    • What is a data officer?
    • What is a data subject?
    • What is an ombudsman?
    • What rights do data subjects have?
    • What are the exceptions to these rights?

Try some of these quizzes to test your knowledge of the data protection act: