Wednesday 23 September 2015

#11p1 - Play And Learn - Game Interface 3

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To appreciate what makes an effective game interface

Red - You will have created at least 2 interface screens
Amber - You will have created at least 4 interface screens
Green - You will have created all interface screens


  • What do you need to work on in today's lesson


  1. Main Menu (Start/Home Screen)
  2. Help (What you have to do/Backstory/Aim of the game)
  3. Instructions (How to use the game)
  4. Winner Screen
  5. Loser Screen
  6. Any other screens that are relevant to your game
  7. Start creating the backgrounds for your level


  • DOWNLOAD THE ASSETS TABLE FROM HERE - make sure that record your interface screens as primary assets and any image from the internet as secondary assets
  • Make sure all of your game screens have been saved as PNG files