Tuesday 22 September 2015

#10p3 Changing Worlds - Track Your Progress

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To be able to track your own progress
LO2 - To be able to develop your Changing Worlds coursework

Red - You will update the progress tracker so I can be aware of your progress
Amber - You will have ensured all work is linked to your eportfolio
Green - You will have tested your game and recorded the results in your development log


Take a look at the Changing Worlds progress tracker (click on the image above) and update me throughout the lesson by adding comments to your sheet


  • Use Adobe Dreamweaver Make sure that all of the work that you have done so far is linked to your eportfolio


  • Make sure all parts of your game are completed:
    • Menu screen working 
    • Instruction Screen working 
    • Tutorial level working 
    • At least 5 working levels 
    • Win Screen Working 
    • Lose Screen Working 
    • Loading screen working 
    • Favicon working 
    • Music working 
    • Sound effects working


  • Make sure that all of your game documentation is up to date:
    • Section A – Formative Testing 
    • Section B – User Feedback 
    • Section C – Teacher Comments 
    • Section D – Design Changes
    • Assets Table


  • Add comments to your sheet on the progress tracker updating me as to what you have done