Sunday 29 November 2015

#9m5 Future Worlds - Rules Log

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To understand what a rule is and how they are used in computer games

Red - You will have created a rules log for your changing worlds game
Amber - You will have linked your rules log to your Play and Learn website
Green - You will have added specific rules to your storyboard templates


Complete the rules log starter sheet


  • All computer games follow a set of rules that have been developed by the programmers. They explain what the game should do (an action) when different things happen (event)
  • Rules are written in the format:
    IF Event THEN Action

    e.g IF Player presses up arrow THEN character jumps
    e.g IF player clicks start THEN go to level 1 e.g IF player hits a monster THEN lose a life and restart the level
  • CLICK HERE - download the rules log. 
  • Save it in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence --> Rules Log

  • Fill in the rules log for your Changing Worlds game
  • Make sure you include rules for:
    • Buttons on all your screens
    • Controls for your player
    • Picking up objects
    • Enemies
    • Changing levels
    • Winning / Losing the game
    • Scoring / Losing points 
    • Lives
    • Health
  • Open your storyboard templates in Microsoft Publisher
  • Complete the rules at the bottom of each page


  • Open Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Open your Play And Learn website
  • Link up your rules log