Lesson Objectives
LO1 - To develop flowcharts for AQA Memory Game
Red - You will have created an overview flowchart for the AQA Memory Game
Amber - You will have created flowcharts for task 1-9
Green - You will have added evidence of your flowcharts for task 1-9RED TASK
- Open Google Chrome and go to Draw.io
- Using the What do I need to do? section complete a flowchart for what will happen in your AQA Memory Game
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 1
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 2
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 3
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 4
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 5
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 6
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 7
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 8
- Create a detailed flowchart for tasks 9
- Find out what an IPSO table is and what they are used for
- Try filling in the IPSO table in your evidence document