Thursday 21 January 2016

#10p3 Developing Web Products - Build Your Own Revision Website 4

Lesson Objectives 
LO1 - To learn how to embed media using Dreamweaver
LO2 - To learn how to use HTML code to play only on click

Red - You will have added a sound or movie to your website
Amber - You will have embedded media on your webisite
Green - You will have added code to allow media to only play on click


  • Look at the how to embed media page of my website
  • What is wrong with it?
  • How could it make it better?


  • Log on to your school email
  • Download the sound and video files that I have emailed to you
  • Save them in Sites --> Exam Revision Website --> Assets


    • Embed the movie file on your How To Embed Media page
    • Embed the sound file on your How To Embed Media page

    • Using the <VIDEO> HTML tag embed your video on to the How to Embed Media page of your websiite so that it only plays on click
    • <video src="Path to your video here" controls="controls" width="width in pixels" height="height in pixels"></video>

    • Use the <AUDIO> HTML tag to embed your sound on to the How to Embed Media page of your 
    • <audio src="Path to your sound here" controls="controls"></audio>


    • Continue to add content to the pages of your websites


    • Test your website
    • Open your homepage in Chrome or Internet Explorer
    • Does it all work correctly? Do you need to change / fix anything?